Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Imposter Syndrome: The Silent Struggle of High Achievers

Ever felt like a fraud, even when surrounded by evidence of your success? You’re not alone. Imposter syndrome is a common psychological experience where individuals doubt their abilities and fear being exposed as incompetent, despite their accomplishments. The Inner Critic’s Voice: People grappling with imposter syndrome often find themselves thinking: “I just got lucky.” “I […]

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The Shrinking Room: Understanding Impostor Syndrome Through ACT

The Shrinking Room: Understanding Impostor Syndrome Through ACT Imagine the room you’re currently in represents your world. At first, it feels spacious, full of possibility. But then, impostor syndrome rears its head. Doubts creep in like unwelcome furniture crowding the room: The filing cabinet: “I’m not qualified; they’ll realize I’m a fraud.” The desk: “My

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Facing Impostor Syndrome using ACT

Facing Impostor Syndrome with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)   Impostor syndrome is like that nagging voice inside your head telling you you’re a fraud, that you don’t deserve your achievements, and that you’ll be exposed at any moment. It’s a surprisingly common experience, especially among successful individuals. Therapy approaches often focus on challenging these

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Struggling with Impostor Syndrome – Tug of War Metaphor

Do you find yourself struggling with self-doubt, a fear of failure, or feeling like you are a fraud? And despite your best efforts, achievements and successes, you’ve not been able to get rid of these feelings. These are common experiences for people who struggle with Impostor Syndrome. The struggle with these Impostor Syndrome can sometimes

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