Impostor Syndrome

Quieting the Inner Critic: How Values-Guided Behaviour Can Help Overcome Imposter Syndrome

That nagging voice whispering doubts in your ear, telling you you’re not good enough, that you’ll be found out as a fraud. That’s imposter syndrome, and it plagues countless people, even the most successful. But what if I told you there’s a way to fight back, not by silencing that voice, but by increasing the […]

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Imposter Syndrome: The Silent Struggle of High Achievers

Ever felt like a fraud, even when surrounded by evidence of your success? You’re not alone. Imposter syndrome is a common psychological experience where individuals doubt their abilities and fear being exposed as incompetent, despite their accomplishments. The Inner Critic’s Voice: People grappling with imposter syndrome often find themselves thinking: “I just got lucky.” “I

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Imposter Syndrome: Understanding and Changing Your Focus

Imposter syndrome, that nagging feeling of being a fraud despite your accomplishments, can be a persistent and debilitating experience. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) offers a framework to understand and address this issue by examining the thoughts, behaviours, and, importantly, the focus of attention that maintain these feelings of inadequacy. Identifying the Maintaining Factors CBT helps

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The Perfectionism Trap: How It Fuels Your Imposter Feelings

The Perfectionism Trap: How It Fuels Your Imposter Feelings Do you ever find yourself setting impossibly high standards for yourself? Do you struggle to celebrate successes, instead focusing on the tiniest flaws in your work? If a nagging voice inside keeps telling you that you’re not good enough, no matter what you achieve, you may

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The Benefits of Externalizing and Personifying your Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is a deeply rooted form of anxiety, where the sufferer persistently believes they are inadequate and that their achievements are undeserved. This sense of being a fraud can lead to overwhelming fear of being exposed, resulting in behaviours that can be harmful to success and well-being. Learning to step back from these feelings

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